Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Lessons in the Questions

As we continue our Sun Startup Essentials "Bloggin' Across Canada" Tour, we are meeting some really fantastic entrepreneurs, and getting their stories. As we began asking questions, we started to think about who would want to read these stories, and what would THEY really like to know from the SSE program startups.

We reached out to some startup industry experts; superstars in consulting, investment, promotion and entrepreneurship. We gathered a list of questions from the likes of Mike McDerment of Freshbooks, Jonas Brandon of StartupNorth, Jevon McDonald of Firestoker, Micheal Hollend of Edgestone Capital, Vincent Guyaux and Phillippe Telio of Embrase, Philip Uglow of Embarkonit, Sunir Shah of Freshbooks. A big thank you to all of you for these fantastic questions.

The questions were varied, and insightful even without being responded to. Any entrepreneur looking to attract attention, money, customers, and success can gain insight by asking themselves a few from the list below.

1. Why is Canada a good place to run your company?
2. What is the main reason that motivated you to start a company?
3. What is the biggest challenge you face every day?
4. If you had to start it again, what would you change?
5. Do they think they will make it big?
6. What is your definition of "big"?
7. Are you having fun?
8. Are you listed on StartupIndex.ca ?
9. Can you name your competitors? Name them.
10. What is your strategy to compete in this market?
11. What size will your business be next year?
12. What is your next major milestone?
13. Tell me what success looks like and when.
14. What motivated you to start a company
15. How does Canada give your company a competitive edge?
16. What other Canadian businesses do you look up to?
17. How would you change high school to encourage the next generation to be more entrepreneurial?
18. How did you get your friends and family to believe in you?
19. What is one pain about running a business you wish would go away?

Check out Sun Startup Essentials to see witness a great company with a great program supporting our rich startup community in Canada.


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